Rövid tréningek

Short trainings

Having employees that are fluent in business communication is far more than just a matter of prestige to your company.

Workplace communication: emailing and telephoning? Presentations that work?
Meetings, project discussions, conference calls?
Communication styles and strategies?
Business trips and conferences?
Making small talk while staying professional?
Effective decision-making?

Converzum has trainings for you!


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Workplace communication: emailing and telephoning skills

Do you have colleagues who need a lot of time to compose an email in English? Do you need to ask someone to check the emails before sending them? Is it unnerving every time to make a phone call in a foreign language? Do your colleagues tend to avoid such situations? Then this training was designed for you.

Master the skills necessary and use them with confidence when writing emails and making phone calls in English:

  • common email structures and their corresponding functional phrases and sentences in formal, semi-formal and informal styles
  • common call scripts and their corresponding functional phrases and sentences in formal, semi-formal and informal styles
  • tactful phrasing
  • persuasive language
  • correction of common mistakes
  • communication strategies that help convey information, and prevent ordeal with communication breakdowns


Presentations that work

Do you know what is the most dreaded workplace activity? And what could determine the success or failure of a product, which could even cost someone’s job? We all have innate abilities that could make giving presentations easier for us. There are also numerous specific skills and tricks that can be learnt, practised, and linking these with relevant linguistic components largely increase your self-confidence and efficacy. Our training helps you achieve these skills focusing on the following topics:

  • the stages of presentations and the associated functional expressions
  • engaging with your audience
  • visual aids, the effective use and presentation of facts and figures
  • the power of your sound
  • body language
  • making an impact
  • storytelling
  • Q&A
  • using all of the above together to achieve great results

Meetings, project discussions, conference calls

If you work with an international team where discussions, project meetings, conference calls are often conducted in English, then you need skills and functional expressions to make your communication more effective, interactive and smooth.

Our training helps you achieve these skills focusing on the following topics:

  • Common types of meetings and the frequently used phrases in formal, semi-formal and informal styles
  • Use of expressions, turns of phrase and functional language during the different stages of a meeting
  • Specific language use during conference calls


Communication styles and strategies

It matters what you say, but more often than not, how you say it matters just as much. If we are not aware of our own communication style and the strategies available, the message we are trying to convey may be misinterpreted which is even more difficult when communicating in a foreign language.

With the help of our training, you become an effective, conscious, and confident communicator in English. The training focuses on the following subjects:

  • Communication styles, their features and their effect
  • Communication strategies and their usage depending on the situation

Conscious language use to support a more effective and productive communication

Business trips and conferences

If you often go on business related trips or conferences, you want to make the most of these occasions. A lot can depend on how well you understand their speaking partners or presenters and how clearly can convey your message yourself. The trips and conferences are also excellent networking opportunities for which the ability to initiate communication and confidence are of essence. We cannot guarantee that you will immediately understand all the existing accents and dialects but we will equip you with strategies to start conversations, deal with communication challenges and request and provide clarifications.

In order to achieve this level of skill, choose our training to learn and practise the functional situations in the context of business travel and conferences.

  • Ways of starting conversations
  • Requesting information and showing interest
  • Making complaints
  • Agreement and disagreement
  • Queries and interruptions
  • Communication strategies including checking understanding, asking for clarification, giving confirmation, making corrections, elaboration, and requesting assistance
  • Concluding conversations in culture-appropriate ways and the language involved

Entertaining visitors and small talk

One of the most challenging aspects of speaking in a foreign language is making small talk. We are often not sure of our speaking partner’s interests or their cultural background. However, silence is awkward, for instance, when it is important to make a good impression on a potential business partner.

Our intensive communication training prepares you for exactly this situation with a focus on the following:

  • What is the language of small talk
  • Ways of starting up conversations
  • Introductions of ourselves and others and showing around visitors
  • Talking about mutual acquaintances
  • The language of showing and maintaining interest
  • Questioning techniques
  • Making proposals, recommendations and finding out preferences
  • Cultural differences, acceptable and taboo subjects, tactful language
  • Exchanging contact information
  • Culturally appropriate ways to conclude conversations and the language required

Effective decision-making

Effective decision-making can be your organisation’s trump card. The decision-making process, especially when major decisions are on the table, usually involves a number of colleagues. When this is placed in a multi-cultural context, it can easily become a communication minefield especially, when the native language of the participants is not English.

If you would like to navigate your team effectively and confidently throughout the decision-making process, choose our training with a focus on the following areas:

  • Communication in a multi-cultural environment
  • The process of decision-making
  • The harmonisation of communicative and decision-making styles
  • Types of decisions
  • Involving others in decision-making
  • Promoting decisions within the organisation


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